The Muse

“Dance like nobody’s watching; love like you’ve never been hurt. Sing like nobody’s listening; live like it’s heaven on earth.” - Mark Twain

Talk to Me?

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The Gang


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Monday, August 27, 2007

"Then he told me about something else that really frightened me.
In 1971, a group of researchers at Stanford University in California,
decided to create a stimulated prison in order to study the psychology
of interrogations. They selected twenty-four student volunteers and
divided them into 'guards' and 'crimnals'. 'After just one week, they had to
stop the experiment. The 'guards' - girls and boys with normal decent values,
from nice families - had become real monsters. The use of torture had become
routine and the sexual abuse of 'prisoners' was seen as normal. The students
who took part in the project, both 'guards' and 'crimnals', suffered major traumas
and needed long-term medical help, and the experiment was never repeated.'


'What do you mean interesting? I'm talking about something of real importance:
man's capacity to do evil whenever he's given the chance. I'm talking about my
work, about things i've learned!'

'That's what i found interesting. Why are you getting so angry?'

'Angry? How could i possibly get angry with someone who isn't paying the slightest
bit of attention to what i'm saying? How can i possibly be angry with someone who
isn't even provoking me, who's just lying there, staring into space?'

'How much did you have to drink tonight'

'You don't even know the answer to that, do you? I've been by your side all evening.
and you've no idea whether i've had anything to drink or not! You only spoke to me
when you wanted me to confirm something you had said or when you needed me to
tell some flattering story about you!'

'Look, i've been working all day and i'm exhausted.
Why don't you come to bed and sleep? We can talk in the morning.'

'Because i've been doing this for weeks and months, for the last two years in fact!
I try to have a conversation, but you're always tired, so we say, all right,
we'll go to sleep and talk tomorrow. But tomorrow, there are always other things to do,
another day of work and publisher's suppers, so we say, all right, we'll go to sleep and
talk tomorrow. That's how i'm spending my life, waiting for the day when i can have
you by my side again, until i've had my fill, that's all i ask, to create a world where i can
always find refuge if i need it: not so far away that i can't be seen to be having an
independent life, and not so close that it looks as if i'm invading your universe.'

'What do you want me to do? Stop working? Give up everything we've struggled so hard
to achieve and go off on a cruise to the Caribbean? Don't you understand that i enjoy
what i'm doing and haven't the slightest intention of changing my life?'

'In your books you talk about the importance of love, the need for adventure, the joy
of fighting for your dreams. And who do i have before me now? Someone who doesn't
read what he writes. Someone who confuses love with convenience, adventure with taking
unneccesary risks, joy with obligations. Where is the man i married, who used to listen
to what i was saying?'

'Where is the woman i married?'

'You mean the one who always gave you support, encouragement and affection?
Her body is here, looking out at the Singel canal in Amsterdam, and she will, i believe,
stay with you for the rest of her life. But that woman's soul is standing at the door
ready to leave.'

'But why?'

'Because of those three wretched words: "we'll talk tomorrow."
Isn't that enough? If not, just consider that the woman you married was excited about life,
full of ideas and joy and desires, and is now rapidly turning into a housewife.'

'That's ridiculous.'

'Of course it is! It's nonsense! A trifle, espeically considering we have everything we
could possibly want. We're very fortunate, we have money, we never discuss any little
flings we might have, we never have jealous rages. Besides, there are millions of children
in the world starving to death, there are wars, diseases, hurricane, tragedies happening
every second. So what can i possibly have to complain about?'

'Do you think we should have a baby?'

'That's how all couples i know resolve their problems - by having a baby!'
You're the one who has always prized your freedom and put off having children for later on.
Have you really changed your mind?'

'i think the time is right.'

'Well, in my opinion, you couldn't be more wrong! I don't want your child. I want a child
by the man i knew, who had dreams, who was always by my side. If i ever do become
pregnant, it will be by someone who understands me, keeps me company, listens to me,
who truly desires me!'

'You have been drinking. Look i promise, we'll talk tomorrow, but, please, come to bed now.
I'm tired.'

'All right, we'll talk tomorrow. And if my soul, which is standing at the door, does decide to
leave, i doubt it'll affect our lives very much.'

'Your soul won't leave.'

'You used to know my soul very well, but you haven't spoken to it for years, you don't know
how much it has changed, how desperately it's begging you to listen. Even to banal topics
of conversation, like experiments at American universities.'

'If your soul has changed so much, how come you're the same?'

'Out of cowardice. Because i genuinely think that tomorrow we will talk.
Because everything we've built together and which i don't want to see destroyed.
Or for that worst of all possible reason, because i've simply given up.'

'That's just what you've been accusing me of doing.'

'You're right. I looked at you thinking it was you i was looking at, but the truth is
i was looking at myself. Tonight i'm going to pray with all my might and all my faith
and ask God not to let me spend the rest of my days like this.'

~The Zahir by Paulo Cohelo~

Brillant chapter from one of my favourite authors.
Just brilliant.
Thanks Kim for the great book!

she spoke at
2:07 PM

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Ripped this off J's blog...

"How do you fight against someone when there is no battle to begin with.
And what if your nemesis, the one looking angrily at you,
the one you point fingers at, is just but a mere reflection."

You think?

she spoke at
4:01 PM

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I miss my OGF.

See you in a jiffy!!! :)
Brewerks awaits!!!

And Nat Champs schedule is out!!!
Damn the 9am games.
What the hell.

JIA YOU girls!!!
Remember: "You are perfect."

she spoke at
11:09 AM

Monday, August 20, 2007

It's one of those days where you find yourself a worrywart.

As silence only reeks wilds thoughts of questions,
"what if something happened to her"
Your heart pounds a million times faster
Realising that perhaps you'll never see her again.

You fluster and then you rationalise.
(you are just being too worrisome)

Then you pick up the phone.
Hoping that somehow a voice would be heard on the other side.

Only to know that it's simply because she matters.

(wipe sweat off brows & adjusts in her chair recovering from the fluster)

What are you thinking about?
I'm still cool.

she spoke at
11:38 PM

Doesn't this poster scream awesomeness?
I swear i must have been a vampire in a past life.

(but of course i'll bet you that it's one of those crappy story or the lack thereof)

Well...there's that.

Been finding joy in the idea of actually saying things.
Yes yes. Assumptions are a load on your mental capacity.

And you ask youself "why don't people cry anymore?"
Then again. Maybe there are some who can't any longer.

Work's been f***ing busy.
Thank goodness for
(shoosh you...the boss doesn't have to know!)
Training is almost coming to an end because
NATIONAL CHAMPS is frikken here! :D

Red Tide!!!
Win or Lose We Will BOOOOOOZE ah!!!
(did i mention that Brewerks has opened right behind my office?)

(starry-eyed boozing coming your way)

Has ANYONE ever told you that beer is good for health?

she spoke at
4:59 PM

Friday, August 10, 2007

Just got back.
Tired like f***.

But i still can't seem to sleep.

Before i ramble on...

Happy Birthday Singapore.
42 frikken years!
(you middle age almost-aunty)

Anyway...SINGfest was great! :)
2-day pass & free booze.
Why the heck not!
Once again, PSB was absolutely brilliant.
Not to mention that we've all got coneheads (made by Chang!)
& our dear friend sheri got a personal photo taken with Neil Tennant!
(& who would forget the rainbow flag flying high behind us! Well done guys!)
(Ailina: you were in thoughts when "Go West" came on. Haha.)

Got some pretty cool pix of Hinder when the closed the festival just a mere hour ago.
(they're alright live...whussup with all that f*** though. hmmmm.)


(back to work)
Busy busy busy.

she spoke at
2:32 AM